How to grow asparagus NZ

A beginner’s guide to planting the best asparagus

Aspara Pacific have over 40 years of experience in breeding and growing some of the world’s tastiest asparagus. Here are our top planting tips to help guide you to getting the most success out of your asparagus patch.

When to plant asparagus NZ

When to Plant

The best time to plant asparagus is when the soil temperatures rise in the spring.

In the North Island: mid September to October and in the South Island from early October.

Planting any earlier than this may result in death of the plants due to diseases associated wet cold soils or frost damage

What To Plant

Plant healthy one year old crowns. These are the more robust than seedling, and don’t require any insecticides to control insects, where as seedlings do.

How to prepare your asparagus site NZ

Prepare your site

Asparagus likes deep, well draining soil, free from compaction layers. Sandy loams, loamy sand or free drained volcanic soils are best.

Make sure the site is free of perennial weeds before planting.

Add plenty of organic matter (well rotted compost, mushroom compost, seaweed), into soil prior to planting.

Asparagus prefers high pH (6.0-6.5).

Lime (dolomite or hydrated lime) and superphosphate should be dug into the soil prior to planting.

Spread fertiliser on the soil surface and dig deep to bury the fertiliser to the depth that most root growth will occur i.e. 150-600 mm


How to Plant

Open a trench approximately 200 mm deep, with a flat bottom, approximately 200 mm across.

Lay the crowns down one side of the trench, 200 - 300 mm apart. Make sure the buds are facing up.

Plant another row of crowns along the other side of the trench, but in the gaps of the first row.

This gives a staggered double row with 7-10 plants per m length of row.

Cover the crowns with 5 cm of loose soil. DO NOT fill the trench with soil. This will ensure the crowns get away to a good start.

Slowly fill the trench with soil during the following summer and autumn, as you hoe any weeds on the sides of the trench.

By the following winter the trench should be filled with soil, and the soil surface flat.

How to harvest asparagus NZ

How to harvest

Once the fern has completely died off in late Autumn/Winter and turned brown, cut the dead fern off at ground level. Compost or burn the dead fern

When to Harvest

If crowns grow well in the first year, in the following spring, if the spears are 15mm or greater in diameter, these can be picked, but only for a maximum of 10-14 days. This is a "bonus harvest"

Normally leave plants for two years after planting before harvesting. The first harvest season usually lasts for 3-5 weeks

Year 3 after planting, harvest for 6-8 weeks

Year 4 onwards, harvest for 8-10 weeks

Stop harvesting if the spears get thinner than 10 mm

How to grow asparagus using asparagus crowns NZ

How many crowns do I need?

Plant 7 – 10 crowns per m of row.

9 m2 = 42 - 60 crowns. This is perfect for a small family.

15 m2 = 70 -100 crowns. This will feed your family plus some for your neighbours.

100 m2 = 470 – 670 crowns.

1 acre = 14,000 crowns (Green Varieties), 16,800 crowns (Pacific Purple)